Monday, June 7, 2010

Oh goody! A challenge that's right up my ally. AND . . . A THOUGHT.

Banned Book Challenge 2010
The Pelham Public Library is issuing the fourth annual "Banned Book Challenge." Set a challenge for yourself to read x number of challenged or banned books between February 21 (Freedom to Read Week in Canada) and June 30. 
Open bible in candle light

I just found this, so it is a bit late in the game for me. But there are still three weeks left.

Because of some comments left on my blog about banned books, the subject has been on my mind lately and I have reread a few old classics. Yes, my library is rife with the critters, as would be any diverse library.

It always surprises me the number of people who have no problem with ripping books out of the hands of others and forbidding certain thoughts and ideas be expressed in daylight. You see, as many of you may already know, religious texts are among the most challenged and banned out there. the Bible, the Koran, the writings of Confucious and Martin Luther, as well as many others.

Is it ironic then that promoters of censorship tend to hold 'teachings' from these books as their reasoning and justification? Just a thought.

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