Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday Farmer's Market - Thy Days Go On *

Created by Heather at Capricious Reader, and now hosted by Chris at Stuff as Dreams are Made on.

Man, is it hot! 
My garden has been happier, but it is still hanging in there.

I didn't realize that our area's notorious hard water was going to cause problems with my soaker hoses, but it has.

I had been scouring gardening books and web sites trying to find what was wrong with my roses, when I realized that the soil around them was bone dry when it should have still been moist from the hose.

I've taken steps to remedy the situation, but I may have lost three bushes. Time will tell.

My twenty-one year old garden cat, probably senile and most definitely incontinent, has moved indoors for the duration and I miss her company.

But one of my "cowts," Joon-bug, moves from window to window while I'm outside and tries to keep a close eye on me. (She follows me around inside the house too.)

 The only Rose bushes blooming right now are the two that my husband gave me for my birthday last year. 

They are really beautiful, smaller than the Floribundas with only a few flowers at a time, but steady bloomers.

One has sweet Yellow Roses

And the other has White Roses

The B.L.T.s were delicious!

Our first two Tomatoes of the season, and well ahead of the rest.

I started the plants inside my little Conservatory this year.

This variety is called "Boxcar Willie."

The Garlic didn't do so well, though. The sun on the west side of the house is just too intense for many of my vegetables.

I think I need to put it in a completely different spot next year.

At least what I got tastes good.

How about some Bird pictures? 
I need to invest in a telephoto lens to get really good pictures of them, but these aren't too bad.

We have tons of fat little brown birds. I think they are several different species but I haven't gotten a good close look.

It's time to invest in a good Bird Guide.

Hope is the thing with feathers
- Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

This, I believe, is a House Finch.

And this is a Western Scrub Jay.

These are in addition to the Anna's Hummingbirds, Lesser Gold Finchs, and Ring Neck Doves I've featured in past posts.

We also have an incredibly verbose Mockingbird. He sits atop the phone pole and runs through his repertoire, which includes several different bird's songs, frogs, and a car alarm (the entire catalog of car alarm sounds).

I planted the Bananas I ordered from the shopping channel.

I have three plants and if they survive they will provide a tropical hedge of sorts in front of the back gate.

They will also provide some summer shade for my kitchen window.

Not to mention . . . Bananas!

Most of the Pomegranates are about the size of baseballs, but the plant is still blooming and setting new fruit.

They are such a beautiful color.

And finally, the Butterfly Bush I rescued is perking up and has some small flowers.

* from: De Profundis by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

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